Filling a Void

There are many people speaking out extensively in Alternative Media about problems with Schooling, Education and the concerning digitization of it all. Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats (THC) is one of the best interviewers on the planet these days and he's spent time with several of the folks who seem to be on the cutting edge of this new and concerning frontier.

A recent THC episode with John Klyczek is sobering and informative ( Ed Tech Privatization & Digitally Dehumanizing the Classroom )

If you combine that with about 10 other interviews from THC , Corbett Report or others with John and four or five other alternative media researchers involved, a fairly clear historical image has emerged along with major problems related to our current educational trajectory.

The information below is a gross summary with suggestions. At the bottom is a link to a document with more details that define how some of us connect education related dots for use in this type of problem solving situation.

Current Situation from 100,000 feet

  1. Total Takeover of the Educational System with Technology Delivery Mechanisms has been the culmination of a 100 year effort - The Bill Gates family and other multi-generational global elite have been planning a global take over of humanity for over 100 years. A key portion of that has revolved around gaining full control of the educational system at all levels (pre-school, kindergarten, grade school, middle school, high school and collegiate studies)

  2. Written Curriculum is where control starts - A key tactic in educational control is total control of the written curriculum and/or the written teacher's guides that tell teachers what to teach and how to spin it. Secondary tactics include taking control of the "editing" of the written material.

  3. Omissions and Flooding Tactics - "Omission" of relevant topics as well as "flooding" of information that is not as relevant are the best ways to lead healthy souls astray in confusion for life. With these two tactics working in harmony via the original curriculum creators or editors who monopolize the creative content, each subsequent generation is further and further off a healthy educational balance. The result of diversion for control creates good servants and "doers" and a void in "free thinkers", the controlling crowd's arch enemy. (The publishing, editing, translation and printing of the Bible is exceptional example of control based publishing tactics)

  4. Computers as the Curriculum Delivery Mechanism are the "editors" of the future - (the educational vending machine model ) Since the advent of the Personal Computer ( a digital device heavily influenced and manipulated by Bill Gates, the son of a Federal Banker and Eugenics family), there has been an accelerated race on to control the delivery of curriculum to students. If you control the educational delivery mechanisms and convince everyone that your delivery mechanisms are the best, you nullify the influence that curriculum creators themselves can have on the populous as well as that which "good, free-thinking editors and teachers" could have had. As the curriculum delivery provider, you become the "editor" of curriculum. The Evil is always done most in the "editing" process as they are never as creative as the originators of material.

  5. A relevant Class Action Lawsuit in process - Everyone who participated in college got a taste of the College Text Book Mafia Racket. Are you aware that a class action lawsuit is being processed against the largest publishers and distributors of college text books? There are Attorneys and Commercial Players doing what they can to wipe out the old school controllers. I wonder if those behind that attack are of Good Hearted nature or if they are working for Bill Gates & Company to help with a push towards their end game either intentionally or otherwise?

Blockchain De-mystified

Blockchain is "just" a database system with cons ( and pros ) - Allison McDowell, John Klyczek , Greg Carlwood and many others have put tremendous attention on the concerns related to "block chain" as it's entering into mass education. Blockchain is a database system who's records are instantly distributed across many "arms length" machines in a way that is intended to fully prevent loss of data and data manipulation after a record has been created. RAID arrays are great systems for data loss prevention across multiple hard drives. A similar concept, but they don't rival block chain in one way. The block chain data is "publicly auditable". Databases on RAID arrays are generally not, although most of the block chain machines are likely running RAID arrays. The problems this block chain technology "solves" are being grossly overlooked or diminished by many who see exactly how it might be used for nefarious purposes in specific applications like Education. It seems those who fully recognize the evil potential in these applications are lacking input from pure technologists or strategists who might be able to suggest reasons why such systems could have benefits too. For clarity. Most of the people who seem to have paid for and are rolling out tools that use blockchain in the educational space have a very dark past and likely should not be trusted at all, but clarity between those two is prudent. The rise of "chain-link" as a driver to transfer data from block chain to Google's Big Table and other large data repositories sounds much like the the standard odbc driver that was settled on by different vendors to transfer data among vendor specific databases. The primary difference between Big Table and other mass data storage systems and block chain is likely just "auditability" from those not in the companies that own the other technologies. If you don't want a monopolistic corporatocracy, Block Chain may actually represent one of the only digital data storage system today that may give an out to that, if it can be managed properly.

This Decades Problem that needs a solution ASAP..

The question of how NOT TO PARTICIPATE in big data education until some pros to it via other vendors emerge is the question of the decade - At the end of the recent Higherside Chats podcast with John Klyczek they get to a really good place. They identify a need to "opt out" of the rising "block chain driven" educational systems AND they admit, they aren't sure what systems are in place today to provide the healthy decentralized education that will bridge the gap from where we are to where we might be in a decade or more. They mention a few programs that we need to check out, but they all sounded like they are rooted in an older model of education delivery, even with an analogy to a one room school house. And while that is all good and well, the key is simple. Where is the curriculum coming from and is it the right mix for healthy growth.

Ideal Learning Environment to avoid Big Data Tracking

Everything written below is achievable today. "Making money" doing it may not be easy if doable at all, but that is a good challenge to take on by those with other "profitable trades" who also like a damn good challenge.

This day in age it's a collection of trades that buys one the most freedom and it's those folks with them who will be stepping in more now to try to play a tougher game...

  1. Curriculum Creators need to be Masters of the topic AND decent teachers too - Curriculum should be created by Master's of their Art or Trade only. Having literary types control the act of pen on paper should be thought of as a thing of the past. (Does the Master Class Video Series fit this description? it seems too )

  2. Self Publishing / Direct Publishing is a Must - Editors working in harmony with the creators are fine. Editors controlling creator content are less attractive. NOTE: many who should be writing the curriculum suck as their own editors. A problem to be solved with healthy editor interaction only.

  3. Youtube Channels should be Screend by Pros prior to mass consumption in Alternative Educational Settings - Are some of these very talented folks with Youtube Channels really the masters the thumbs up would make them out to be ? Or have some been boosted by Youtube to sell more ads... Is there a potential for fraudulent leaders on Youtube channels?

  4. Minimal to no tracking should be publicly available for who bought what class - There is a Problem with the Master Class Video purchasing system and any other purchasing system. All those systems provide back end data access to data security people. Someone has the key or can have the key to the data and few if any would know who had access. It may not be avoidable at this time for paid classes or materials. The only way to avoid this type of data tracking is to give the information away with no user accounts required. Not a straight forward venture for cost recapture or profit at all. This will always be an issue if any money is going to change hands. It should just be monitored as best as possible.

  5. Classes and curriculum which have a digital delivery component should contain minimal to no click by click student tracking - No tracking of student keystrokes, mouse moves and other trackable behavior during consumption of the curriculum. NOTE: Some of that data could be good feedback for honest delivery providers and curriculum creators. The positive folks at Kahn Academy will claim this. Unfortunately, everything that can be used for good can also be used for misdirection. Feedback on user behavior can still be gathered with visual observation of students interacting with screens. It just takes a lot longer but adds more privacy.

  6. Classes which should have database or software tools as part of their curriculum need to have those built out in systems that are open source and semi-structured at most - Using spreadsheet platforms as database systems represents a retro way to achieve semi-structured or unstructured data management environment with the most privacy. More on this later.

An Example of this has been building since 2016 & may be an example worth considering...

Since 2016 members of an informal group called the 220 Club have been trying to "re-write" the curriculum for "business education" and "Basic Accounting" with all of the ideal characteristics of a private digital learning experience in mind.

The topic of Basic Accounting was NOT selected because they were in love with the topic. It was selected because of all the math based curriculum material, it displayed, by-far, the most wide spread publishing fraud. A fraud that is easy to show and share and a publishing fraud that could have only been intentional and for confusion's sake. A fraud that would most benefit bankers.

  1. The full curriculum was written by people that most would consider to be lay experts in the topics published. No money was paid for the curriculum creation. It was self-financed.

  2. Editing was done by people familiar with the authors, not paid editors.

  3. The written curriculum is published on FREE websites and the information is FREE to all with no user accounts required for access or download. ( )

  4. Some Technical Videos were created to support some of the written material for a Bookkeeping Module as an example of the level of detail that might be ideal in videos. Those can be served directly from Google Drive or comparable. Some of them are currently served from Youtube but the videos are in an unlisted status (and thus the goal is not to build views for YouTube advertising purposes). Other platforms would be preferred.

  5. An entire methodology for building out relational database software applications was developed (DIY Software Club) and implemented in more than 10 different spreadsheet based database applications. These were created in the Google Sheets environment, and yes this is Big Tech. but the templates and methodologies can be used on any spreadsheet platform.

  6. An initial , non binding partnerships has been created with Krump Academy to try to provide an example of how an "for-profit" educational institution might be able to put "free curriculum" to use in a profitable manner.

  7. The Krump Academy material could be delivered in one room school houses or comparable home schooling with a personal filter there as well.

How will the curriculum creators and software creators make money? It won't be easy. It will be donation based or "pay for value" based. Another way might be to partner with trusted, fee based Education Providers (like this Krump Academy example) who will charge money and share some of that with the curriculum creators.

Can money be made in the education space with this type of free curriculum? We believe so. Educators and Schools will be needed. Most will be better off learning in groups and with guides/teachers in addition to the digital material.

The key to keeping everything in balance is the use of "free, open source" curriculum with little to no tracking. . A teacher or school can cherry pick from the free, public curriculum all they want, but if they start omitting too much relevant information, that can be cross checked by parents and students easily, and new teachers can be sought if the approach to translating the publicly available education is too veiled.

In our Case Study, the 220 Club represents the Curriculum Publisher who is offering the free curriculum that was created with self funding members.

Krump Academy is the for-profit education provider.

Wish us luck and help out if you can.

If Krump Academy is a success with this curriculum we may be looking for other free curriculum to build classes around. Hopefully this is an example that can bear fruit for many. Time will tell.

A more detailed view on all of this...

Krump Academy - On Filling the Void ...

This was the original brainstorm document that got the text flowing for this page today.. 9/11/2021